I have had this blog for some time now and this is only the 3rd time to write in it. I am not very good at this at times. So what has been going on since I have last written? Well I have almost finished the fall semester of school and I have been looking for a job for about 8 months now. I was let go by Converges in March and I have been looking ever since than. bluey and I have counted it up and I have applied for about 50ish jobs and have had about 18 interviews. I have one today and also another one next Thursday so we will see what happens with the job search. In school I have been trying to learn French and it has been really hard to get it down. bluey served her mission in France and Switzerland so she already speaks French. We are taking the class together so I can learn and she can help me. She is not going to take the 1020 class for a few reasons. 1-She does not want to go over the basics again, 2-we really do not like the teacher and how she teaches and 3-bleuy needs room for her other classes. Just for anyone out there who might teach a class of any kind, do you laugh at a student who makes a mistake. Our French teacher did that to a student who already speaks Spanish and was trying to learn another language. He would answer a question and say it with the Spanish saying and she would laugh at him or say rather rudely that we are not speaking Spanish we are speaking French and then not help him get it right. Needless to say he has not been coming for some time now. There are a lot of people who don't come anymore, when the semester started the classroom was full and now it is barely half full. It should not be this hard for a 1010, most of the people have never taken a language class or they did but it was in Jr. High and it has been so long that they don't remember anything they learned. bluey and I gave her a bad rating on the forms that the school sends out and my brother has recommend talking to the department head about this teacher. I am not looking forward to taking the 1020 class because it is taught by the same teacher and it has not been fun to go to the class most days. My other classes have been going better than my French class so that is a good thing. So I think I am going to end there for now but I will try to be better at writing on this blog.
Well have fun with life.
I like Bros suggestion. The teacher can make or break the class. I am sorry that it hasn't been a fun experience so far, but I commend you for sticking with it.